I was gifted an awesome A1 size pen plotter and needed a spot to easily create some artwork. Might as well also store some supplies and have a place to sit at right? I came up with this design that is rather specific to its ultimate resting place; sandwiched between my wife’s desk and mine.
I cut some mortise and tenons for the legs with the help of a table saw and router.
Used just about all of the clamps I had and a soft hammer to help square it up.
Adding the front facing dividers that will help support the boxes / drawers.
For the drawers, I went with a joint that hid the outside connection, as described in this video by James Hamilton. I was trying to use the wood I already had, which resulted in the drawers being made of wood with different thicknesses. So I had to adjust the saw more frequently. Wish I took more work in progress pictures of the boxes 🙁
Added all of the rails for boxes to slide on. The wide opening at the top is for paper to slide into.
The rails are solid pieces of wood for strength. I did some rabbets and dados and grooves and what nots.
All of the drawers pull out for transporting of supplies, pens, brushes, paints, etc.
Final resting place between our two desks. It has wheels so we can roll it out if needed. The metal top is great for using magnets to hold the paper.
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