Over inflate using your voice until it bursts. The louder the noise, the bigger the explosion. In this recording, made it a lower volume to burst since screaming into the screen was causing the sleeping baby to stir.
Over inflate using your voice until it bursts. The louder the noise, the bigger the explosion. In this recording, made it a lower volume to burst since screaming into the screen was causing the sleeping baby to stir.
July 25, 2020 at 1:41 am
Hello Nick. Really nice animation, with a “cartoon” vibe. How did you make the dotted shadow?
July 27, 2020 at 5:23 pm
@edapx, thank you. I do some phong lighting calculations to calculate the strength of the shadow and sample from a dotted texture using gl_FragCoord. I pass in a dark, light and dotted texture to the shader. Fade between the dark and light texture using the phong strength. If the phong is below a certain amount, sample the dotted texture, if it is opaque, use the dotted texture and if not, faded color.