March 10, 2015 | Posted in Open Frameworks, Utilities | No Comments.
Blair Neal has a great blog post about configuring an OSX computer to run an installation for ever.
I have been working on a ofxMacUtils addon with utils for making this process easier, so you don’t have to manually adjust the settings. It is still being developed, but thought it might be useful.
It has been tested on OSX 10.8 – 10.10 and OF v0.08. Any feedback would be appreciated ( through github, the comments on my blog don’t seem to be functioning properly).
A gui application for quickly configuring a mac for a long term installation.
Download the
We like to use the energy saver schedule in the system preferences to set the computer to shut down and start up at specific times. Avoiding third party apps for this leads to a more universal understanding of how to set the schedule. Most system admins will know how to set the schedule via system preferences. However, one issue that I have run into recently (OSX 10.10) is this message.
The computer is either trying to restart or shutdown based on the schedule or manually selection and the OF app is preventing it from completing that task.
The addon includes an example for avoiding this issue.
December 11, 2014 | Posted in Made by Hand | No Comments.
August 26, 2014 | Posted in Open Frameworks | No Comments.
Added some Anaglyph 3D rendering to BassShapes for some stereo 3D goodness. You need some red/cyan 3D glasses to view the effect. I released the OpenFrameworks addon called ofxCameraAnaglyph.
April 17, 2014 | Posted in Open Frameworks | 4 Comments.
I had to figure out a few things to get an Openframeworks 008 application ready for submission to the Mac App Store. Below are some of my findings.
Remove Quicktime and QTKit
Apple no longer supports the Quicktime API. So remove all of the ofQuicktime and ofQTKit files from the source files in the video folder of the OpenFrameworks XCode project. Remove the QTKit and Quicktime frameworks from the Openframeworks project and your Xcode project inside the frameworks folder. Make sure the libraries are not present in the Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries.
If you need a video player, kronick’s addon that uses AVFoundation, is a good solution. I haven’t tried to find a solution for grabbing video using AVFoundation, so do your research if you plan to use it in your application.
Support Retina displays
As of this writing, OF does not support retina displays on osx. But Theo offered up a fix for GLFW to support Hidpi. So make sure to use GLFW for the windowing. Don’t forget to set ‘High Resolution Capable’ to YES.
Add some preprocessor macros for convenience
I think it’s useful to know if you are in release mode or debug mode, so I add some preprocessor macros in the build settings of the project. I usually use OF_DEBUG and OF_RELEASE respectively. This usually comes in hand at some point during the dev process. Like only showing debug GUIs #ifdef OF_DEBUG. I’ll go over some more uses a little later.
(only focus on OF_DEBUG + set OF_RELEASE for Release)
April 6, 2014 | Posted in Open Frameworks | No Comments.
If you have worked with meshes and textures in OpenGL, than you probably have experienced aliasing on textures bound to meshes. Unfortunately OpenFrameworks 008 only supports mip mapping of textures that have compression on them. I usually work with straight jpgs or pngs for my textures, so that is not an option. Recently some friends over at Incredible Machines brought up the issue, so I thought it might be useful to post. Both for other people and myself.
Below is an example of a texture without mip mapping. Notice the jaggedness on the checkered image. It is more apparent when there is a sharp angle from the vertex to the camera.
Now here is the mip mapped version of the texture. Notice how it appears more anti-aliased. (Click to enlarge.)
Anisotropy limits how much “aliasing” is applied between the mip maps. A value of 1 will do nothing, as the value increases so does the appearance of anti-aliasing.
I wrote a convenience function that is based on ofTexture, but includes the mip map and anisotropy functions.
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