A while ago I wrote some circle packing code to pack as many circles into a image based on colors. I had some free time and I didn’t want to stare at the computer anymore so I ran the software on the OF logo and made this design.
OF 007 XCode project available on github: https://github.com/NickHardeman/CirclePacker
In the 600 x 600px image there are 201 circles and the software took 7.35 minutes to complete. Could use some optimization, but it worked as well as I needed it to. 🙂
I printed the pdf on my crappy printer, taped the 4 pieces of paper together to make a larger logo and then painstakingly cut out all of the circles with an xacto knife.
I liked the imperfections that would be inevitable due to the uneven paper and human error while spray painting the stencil onto a shirt. I really like the inconsistant components; the spray paint, the cut outs and the uneven stencil visualizing computer generated conciseness.
Now the shirt is available for purchase on spreadshirt, with some of the proceeds going to OF! woohoo. It comes in many different sizes and colors. Get one now.