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The Bermuda Tapes

The John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes iPhone / iPad application is an interactive documentary about John Lennon’s journey creating his last album Double Fantasy. We developed quite a few interactive experiences that lead to over 40 minutes of interactive content.

The app is available for download from the iTunes store John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes.

More information about the app can be found on the official site:

Made while the Minister of Interactive Art at Design I/O.

We did a bunch of early interactive experiments on the iPad for the project. We also made several tools for creating scenes including a ‘Parallax Editor’ that was used for the side scrolling scenes. The video below shows some of the early-on experiments.

Watermelon Watercolor Phone Case

Phone Case Outside


Phone Wallpaper 



Download Wallpaper

iPhone 5 (  640 x 1136 )

iPhone 4 ( 640 x 960 )

Samsung Galaxy 4 ( 1080 x 1920 )

Samsun Galaxy III (720 x 1280 )

iPad 2 (768 x 1024 )

iPad / 3 / 4 / Air (1536 x 1024 )