Viewing items tagged with: Wallpaper

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Watermelon Watercolor Phone Case

Phone Case Outside


Phone Wallpaper 



Download Wallpaper

iPhone 5 (  640 x 1136 )

iPhone 4 ( 640 x 960 )

Samsung Galaxy 4 ( 1080 x 1920 )

Samsun Galaxy III (720 x 1280 )

iPad 2 (768 x 1024 )

iPad / 3 / 4 / Air (1536 x 1024 )

Repulsion – Live Wallpaper for Android

My first Android application is a Live Wallpaper with varying amounts of circles bouncing and repelling from each other. The circles respond to the accelerometer of the phone and the touch of the user. The settings allow the user to change the color scheme, the size of the circles, the number of circles and the trail amount. The user may also add a clockwise force, counter-clockwise force or force to the center of the screen.

[vimeo width=”549″ height=”309″][/vimeo]

Read more about how to get the app and view the color options.