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Coconut Still Life – Acrylic + Marker


Coconut Still Life – Pen


NYC Skyline

NYC Skyline – 2016 – Watercolor + Pen – 20″ x 14″

I did several smaller study sketches before the final, below is one of them.


Anhinga a.k.a. Snake Bird

Snake Bird

Snake Bird – 4′ x 3′ – acrylic on canvas, 2015 Nick Hardeman

SnakeBird Closeup Wing

Watermelon Watercolor Phone Case

Phone Case Outside


Phone Wallpaper 



Download Wallpaper

iPhone 5 (  640 x 1136 )

iPhone 4 ( 640 x 960 )

Samsung Galaxy 4 ( 1080 x 1920 )

Samsun Galaxy III (720 x 1280 )

iPad 2 (768 x 1024 )

iPad / 3 / 4 / Air (1536 x 1024 )

Kinected Portraits

Kinected Portraits is a series that explores the relationship between computer generated depth information and human perception. The Microsoft Kinect is used to capture the depth information and the associated color image of the subject. A mesh is created from the depth information with densely packed lines representing darker areas and more loosely packed lines for lighter areas.  The mesh lines are traced over the watercolor by hand to give them a delicate, intimate feel. The ‘mesh hatching’ not only provides a shading method similar to ‘cross hatching,’ but also represents the portrait conveyed by computer data. Read about the process here.


Self-Portrait – 14.75″ x 16″ – watercolor and pen on paper, 2013 Nick Hardeman



Victoria – 19″ x 26″ – watercolor and pen on paper, 2013 Nick Hardeman



Ryan – 23″ x 19″ – watercolor and pen on paper, 2013 Nick Hardeman


Kimmie Jean

Kimmie Jean – 22.5″ x 27″ – watercolor and pen on paper, 2013 Nick Hardeman


Geo Flamingo

Geo Flamingo Watercolor Painting

Geo Flamingo iPhone Case

Flamingo Painting

Flamingo Painting Acrylic

Flamingo Phone Case

Concept Execution

I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time and I finally acted on it. I drew this with watercolor and ball point pen and finished it with a touch of code. I wrote software to create the triangles behind the mouse, then printed it out onto a sheet of paper and then traced the triangles onto the original watercolor drawing.

Concept Execution

Output from OF application used to trace the triangles onto the original drawing.

Watercolor + Ball Point Pen Drawings

When I was off for Thanksgiving break, I could not look at the screen anymore. So I decided to do some drawings. I already gave two of them away without taking proper pictures. But I still have one that I was able to scan.

I was able to scan this one.

Vicky eating apple

Kim w/Glasses