Viewing items tagged with: WatercolorAndPen

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Geo Flamingo

Geo Flamingo Watercolor Painting

Geo Flamingo iPhone Case

Concept Execution

I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time and I finally acted on it. I drew this with watercolor and ball point pen and finished it with a touch of code. I wrote software to create the triangles behind the mouse, then printed it out onto a sheet of paper and then traced the triangles onto the original watercolor drawing.

Concept Execution

Output from OF application used to trace the triangles onto the original drawing.

Watercolor + Ball Point Pen Drawings

When I was off for Thanksgiving break, I could not look at the screen anymore. So I decided to do some drawings. I already gave two of them away without taking proper pictures. But I still have one that I was able to scan.

I was able to scan this one.

Vicky eating apple

Kim w/Glasses