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Bullet Spheres Destruction

When spheres touch each other or the boxes, they become more red. The spheres gather to make the outline of a bullet and then are shot into the pile of boxes. Once the boxes are touched by a sphere, they become deactivated, not glowing any longer. The spheres then form the letters ‘OF’ toward the end of the video.

Runs in real time without the glow filter, which is not very apparent in this video. With the glow filter shown in this video, it stays around 50 fps.

Created with OpenFrameworks
using the Bullet 3d physics library


Audio Reactive Worm

This is an audio reactive visualizer that is based on a previous experiment about representing audio through sections of a worm’s body. The goal was to get the worm to look similar to black glass. The large worm’s body is divided into 11 sections that represent the FFT analysis data. When the corresponding group of frequencies surpasses a certain threshold, that section of the worm becomes lighter in color, the surrounding rings become lighter, the radius of that section becomes larger and particles are emitted from the surrounding rings. Once the particles have been emitted, they fade, change color and become larger over time, while reacting to large changes in the beat. The large worm explores the empty space. On large beat hits, it will hurry forward and if a major song change is detected, may even do a choreographed move, like a spiral or zig-zag. The large worm is followed by many smaller, simpler worms that flock along its body. They change color and repel from the worm body on large beats hits. The light scattering effect in the background reacts to the audio, becoming more prominent on louder beats and it also changes color over time or due to dramatic changes in the audio.
Audio – Running Thoughts by Deerhoof


Audio Reactive Meat Worm

FFT data is mapped to the worm’s body, causing it to expand and light up, like he ate an led. Runs in real time at 60 fps. The style of the worm doesn’t really go to well with the song, and the video is kind of long. Still a bunch to add and quite a bit to tweak, but pretty happy with the early test.

Music: “Call Me Up” by Chromeo

3D Vector Field with Kinect

3D Vector Field with Kinect from Nick Hardeman on Vimeo.

This is an initial experiment using the kinect to generate a 3D vector field. This would not be possible without the efforts of the OF team and other people openly hacking the kinect.
Some images on flickr can be seen here.


Boids and Tentacles

It has been a while since I have posted something, but I have a few projects that I never posted from last semester. Here are two to start off with.

Boids in 3D

Boids in 3D from Nick Hardeman on Vimeo.

This project utilizes flocking and Craig Reynold’s boids to move about a 3D environment. The boids circle around sphere and a repulsion force from inside of the sphere is applied to the Boids using the space bar. There is some perlin noise that is applied to them as well. The tails are generated based on some code by Robert Hodgin. The camera movement is handled by a nicely bundled class called Camera by Tobias Jewson.

Techno Tentacles

Techno Tentacles from Nick Hardeman on Vimeo.

This project responds to audio, as well as, video. I am not very good with audio or the terms used, so excuse me if this doesn’t make any sense. But I do know that the audio analysis code by Zach Lieberman uses FFT Analysis. Each tentacle is assigned a certain range of audio, if there are more tentacles, the ranges are shorter. The loudness in each range corresponds to the outward force from the center that each tentacle feels. If all of the channels are really loud, then the tentacles form an image that looks similar to a star fish.

The tentacles attempt to attach themselves to people who enter the frame, it can be either live or recorded video, in this case it is recorded. The sorting of the points on the contour was a tad tricky since they are not returned in order of x, y values, so the a point in one frame might have a completely different index on the next, not to mention that the number of points changes from frame to frame. The tentacles follow the user around and react to audio, look out Dr. Octopus.

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